Thursday, October 07, 2010
Wanna see my cape?
I've learned the beauty of stretching things as far as we possibly can. Toys get played with until they break, clothes get holes in the knees, books are read until they fall apart and one small you tube clip can be watched over 50 times before we're ready to download another. So why not get the most out of our Halloween costumes?
The boys told me well over a month ago that they wanted to be "Spiderman" and "Superman", although for some reason I knew that F was actually taking about Batman. (When arguing the superhero's name with him one night, he told me that Batman is actually a type of Superman. Which I guess is true.)
The first time I rolled these costumes out was an evening out for sushi dinner. They LOVED everyone pointing, laughing and even cheering as they walked in the restaurant. "Wanna see my cape?", F would say to everyone who gave him a smile.
Since then we've had multiple trips to the park, visits to our neighbors and several days just lounging around the house as their alter-egos.
By the time October 31st rolls around, I have no idea what kind of shape these costumes will be in. But the amount of fun that we've had so far (and it's only the 7th day of the month!) will be well worth it.
Here's a clip of the boys explaining their new found super powers.