Saturday, November 24, 2007

So much to be thankful for!

D: You would think that with all the joy in my life (a great job, loving family, supportive husband, awesome friends, totally amazing kids) I would've woken up Thanksgiving morning wide eyed ready to list my many gratitudes. But on Thursday morning as I rolled over and looked at the clock, I gave thanks to only my blissfully sleeping children...who let us sleep a whopping two hours past their normal wake up time. They really do love us.

This past Thursday we had our dear MN crew filling our house with holiday cheer. There were twelve total around the table…including the Deuce. Our festivities began with a few rousing games on our new Wii game system. For a few hours the Wii transformed our family room in a bowling alley, tennis court, boxing ring and then golf course. If you haven't had the chance to play these games on a Wii, I highly recommend it. (This is HUGE coming from me, since I do not hide my disdain for most sit-on-your-couch-and-don’t-look-up-from-the-TV-for-hours type games.)

Walker fried a turkey this year and it turned out beautifully. The secret, he said, was to inject the turkey ahead of time with a marinade that he whipped up in our juicer (onions, apples and herbs). All of our MN friends of course arrived predictably and lovingly with a casserole type dish in hand. It would not be a room full of Minnesotans if there wasn’t at least three items on the menu that had cream of (something) soup in it, and at least two apps with mayo.

Everything was delicious and the Deuce both ate a bit of everything that was offered to them.
It was everything a thanksgiving evening should entail. I had a bit of a sentimental moment when I looked around the dinner table and realized how amazing it was to see my two children sitting at the table, enjoying the laughter and stories amongst such great friends. It was a perfect first.





Posted by Walker Lockhart @ 4:12 PM

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I haven't checked out your blog in sooooo long and finally I had the time and look what I come across, a Minnesota Thanksgiving in Seattle. You guys are so cute and I miss you all so much, except for Katy and Deb of course. I kind of want to super- impose my smiling face right over Bret and Jodi's so it looks like I was in on all of the fun.

Love you all


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:45:00 PM #

Looked like fun.

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ Wednesday, November 28, 2007 8:22:00 AM #
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