Friday, November 09, 2007


D: 'Schedule' is a word that you hear a lot around these parts. When I come home each night and ask our caregiver "how'd they do today?" she knows I am referring to how close or how far they’ve deviated from the schedule. What kind of mood the kids will be in, how great they will sleep, if they are sick or teething is all revealed to us by how far they’ve strayed from their normal schedule. Each month their schedule changes slightly, but something tells me very soon that big changes are on the horizon for the Deuce. Before our routine is altered too much, I'd like to document what life is like on a daily basis for the Deuce…on a good day.

Wake between 6:00 and 6:30am

One baby gets a bottle, one gets to breastfeed.

Change, dress, and play in nursery

Solid food breakfast: Between 8:00-8:30 (4 oz each of any combination of mixed fruit, bananas, cereal, yogurt and apple sauce)

Play time

Nap: Between 9:30 and 10 (usually lasting 2 hours)

Bottle: Between 12:00 and 12:30pm (6-8 oz breast milk)

Solid food lunch: 12:30pm (4 oz each of any combination of pureed veggies or meat, avocado, cereal, cottage cheese, apple sauce, or warm soup)

Play time

Nap: 2:00pm (hopefully for at least an hour)

Bottle: 3:30pm (6-8 oz formula)

Snack: 4:00 (apple sauce, fruit)

Play or take a stroller walk

Dinner: 5:30pm (4 oz each of pureed veggies and meat with apple sauce)

Play, book, or bath time

Bottle/breast feed: 7:00pm

Bed time: 7:30pm

Posted by Walker Lockhart @ 11:44 AM

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Hi Dana and Walker! I just bloghopped on here and I love your blog.
I'm a working mother of a 7 month old too and even though I didn't have twins, I identify with almost everything you've written about.
i'm really mostly amazed by your courage during the last few weeks of your delivery (all the bedrest!) and the fact that your epidural had worn off by the time the kids got here. go, you!
also, you had a post up about the guilt and exhaustion of a working mother and yet being unable to tell anyone that - god, yes!
anyhoo, just wanted to say, great writing and i'll be back :)
i'm at

Posted by Blogger Mona @ Sunday, November 11, 2007 8:45:00 PM #
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