Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Slings & Things

Dana: Yup, that's me and the Bean practicing the art of baby wearing...or should I say pug wearing. In my baby-gear search I have found myself mesmerized by the world of baby wraps, slings, carriers, front packs, side packs, etc.

I have always admired the beautiful woman with her babe snugly wrapped around her body in a perfectly folded, elegant fabric. I recently picked up this sling for a very decent price, and I was surprised at how easy it was to carry our 18-pound 'baby' around the house, even with my 20 lbs addition around my midsection! In further research, I've found people are nuts for hauling their kids around in the most creative ways. Here are the most common reasons I've found:

1. It's good for baby's mental development. When carried babies spend more time in a "quiet, alert state"- the ideal state for learning. Also, the baby sees the world from your point, rather the view people's knees from a stroller, and the extra stimulation benefits brain development.

2. Some people even find it easy and convenient for breastfeeding on the go.

3. When wearing the baby, you are able to sooth and comfort your little one, while also freeing up your hands to work on other things around the house, shop, etc.

4. With twins, you can carry one baby at a time and your hands can be freed up to give other attention.

My big question...can I actually carry both at the same time? I have yet to find one that looks very comfortable while carrying both children. Many of the brands claim that it's possible, but the babies either look like they are just 'hanging there' or they are all smooshed together.

I suppose I won't know for sure what will work until the little ones arrive, and I can actually strap them on. Until then, Chili will be in doggy heaven while I practice!

Posted by Walker Lockhart @ 9:47 AM

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If you do manage to carry them both at the same time (and good luck on that!) you won't be able to do it for very long, I'm afraid. They get heavy fast!

One of our twins naturally liked being toted around more than the other so he got put in when he'd get cranky around the house. The other one was a bit more mellow and she'd be happy just kicking back in her vibrating bouncy seat (a must have, in my opinion).

Posted by Blogger Childsplayx2 @ Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:46:00 AM #

Hi! I just found your site through Matthew. Congrats on the twins. I just wanted to tell you that, while I am a mom to two girls (not twins), I am a big sister to identical twin brothers who are two years younger than me. I'll go with what Matthew said above, the carrying of both will probably only happen for a short period of time. They will get too heavy after awhile. I did see a guy once in a mall with one in a backpack on his back and one on his front, but he looked very tired. Anyway, congrats again and great site. I'll come and visit again soon.

Posted by Blogger Melissa @ Wednesday, October 18, 2006 5:49:00 PM #

...If only I could travel to Seattle for Outcalls. Have you given Sedro and Tai Kitty their fair turns?
Hugs! Aunt Lauren.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Thursday, October 19, 2006 5:39:00 AM #

Hello to a fellow Mom of twins!

I read your post about carrying twins in slings simultaneously and had to point you to a recent picture of my husband doing just that - we rigged up one Baby Bjorn in front and one in back. It's hilarious...¤tPage=3


Laura Hamel

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Friday, October 27, 2006 1:13:00 PM #

May I ask what type of carrier that is? I need one for my pug! Thanks.

Posted by Blogger Burque Town Dealz @ Monday, March 14, 2016 3:20:00 PM #
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