Friday, August 18, 2006

Unexpected joys

Walker: First things first - let's take a moment to marvel at how great Dana looks in this picture. She, despite battling sciatica, looks this wonderful all the time these days.

Next things next - let's take a moment to marvel at the incredible piece of engineering that Chili Bean is lounging in. There have been a couple of unexpected joys during Dana's pregnancy. For instance, yesterday driving home from the tile store we passed by a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop, and I thought to myself, "oh, oh, oh! But it's 4:30, and Dana would never..." when all of a sudden, Dana said, "I think I want one of those doughnuts right now." Two minutes later we were enjoying a couple of chocolate iced glazed.

Another unexpected joy has been the full realization of the power of Craigslist. See that double Peg Perego stroller in the picture - Craigslist, $500 off retail new. And it looks new. Two matching infant car seats with two extra car bases - Craigslist, $300 off retail new. Where will these be sold when the Wonder Twins grow out of them? Craigslist.

Ok, gotta run back to the basement project. More on that later...

Posted by Walker Lockhart @ 11:00 AM